Hard reset in 2018

2017 was a little of a scramble and there was a moment there I was truly in #struggletown and couldn't shake off the icky accumulated stresses. 

I knew it was time ya'all. Time to hit the reset and just leaving 2017 in a box hidden away in the archives. Living true to this Buzzfeed article, this other one and a little bit of the KonMari Method I spent most of January just resetting everything.


#1 Do a deep clean of everything, like your house, your car, and your work desk.

Good golly, I was so ready to do this. I had everything everywhere and it was starting to get to the point I couldn't sit down to work for a hour without feeling stressed about my environment, getting up, grabbing a mop and just cleaning something.

2 hours later and I would have no work done.

Highly recommend doing this especially if you run your business from home. Home should be your zen zone. A clean desk lets in all dat endless and effortless creative goodness to flow 🙌


#2 Declutter everything digitally. 

Still a work in progress, but I think it's the bane of every photographer when you don't quite feel ready to get rid of the pile in the 'Fail' folder because there might be a diamond that you've missed. I did spend 3 full days re-organising my Resources folder which is a whooping 42GB(!!!).

Don't get me started on my open browser tabs. #shamejob


#3 Get some containers and keep everything kind of organised.

I've already had a box system for all my craft goods, but it was left half done and strewn around the house like confetti. Officeworks was great for these clear tubs at $20 for a set of 5 and I was content with dumping everything in it's labelled box... and then leaving it there. Not micro organising is probably the only thing that saved my sainity.


#4 Decorate your space, so you actually want to be there.

I bought myself new TV unit and five plants! OK, they're not all real, but the two fake ones in my office does make me smile when I open my office doors in the morning. The real ones are still outside my office readjusting to the new sun situation and I have my eye on a lovely ficus fig plant from Bunnings. 

Simple things like updating your screensaver also does wonders!


#5 Setting financial goals.

This also meant I had to set myself more structure in my business so I hit those dream goals. I spent a lot of 2017 thinking about how much I should be earning, how to do it, how much to budget, how to do that...

2018 is actually doing something about it - starting with setting up automatic self payments to my savings account.

PersonalWebb & Flow